Welcome to Shooting Star Botanicals and Acupuncture:
an offering of herbal medicine & acupuncture to support health and collective wellness.
My name is Elokin Orton-Cheung, L.Ac, I'm a community herbalist, acupuncturist, activist & big garden nerd.
My intention is to empower people to begin to heal ourselves, our communities and our environment
through working with acupuncture, plant medicine and other natural remedies.
an offering of herbal medicine & acupuncture to support health and collective wellness.
My name is Elokin Orton-Cheung, L.Ac, I'm a community herbalist, acupuncturist, activist & big garden nerd.
My intention is to empower people to begin to heal ourselves, our communities and our environment
through working with acupuncture, plant medicine and other natural remedies.
Above photo: a magikal rose bush I met at the Bronx Botanical Garden. So dreamy!